Thompson Falls is nestled along the historic Clark Fork River in northwestern Montana. The town was named after British explorer, geographer, and fur trapper David...
Outdoor Activities in Montana

Libby, Montana (Montana’s Best Episode 20)
Libby, Montana Libby, Montana is a rural hidden gem just 1.5 hours northwest of Glacier International Airport in Kalispell, MT and 1.5 hours east of Sandpoint, Idaho...
The Amazing Fun Center (Montana’s Best Episode 15)
Amazing Fun Center in Coram, Montana Julie Mac checks out the first 2-level, human-sized wooden maze ever built in North America which opened 7 miles south of the West...
Flathead Cherries (Montana’s Best Episode 14)
Montana’s Best Episode 14 Flathead Cherries Come mid July into the early fall if you are traveling in the Flathead Valley your odds of seeing a roadside cherry...
Gates of the Mountains (Montana’s Best Episode 11)
Montana’s Best had a blast filming this next episode. Arriving just minutes before the last tour of the day took off our crew hopped aboard with Captain Kari. The...
Train Tours In Montana (Montana’s Best Episode 10)
Last Chance Train Tours You will have to watch the bloopers on this one as it will give you an inside like of what is like to ride in the back of the train. Photo by Ben...
The Historic Reeder’s Alley (Montana’s Best Episode 9)
Reeder’s Alley in Helena, Montana Montana’s Best catches up with local historian who gives an inside look of one of Helena’s oldest still intact...
Sapphire Mining In Montana (Montana’s Best Episode 8)
Spokane Bar Sapphire Mine On this week’s episode of Montana’s Best, Julie Mac catches up with Cass from Helena’s own Spokane Bar Sapphire Mine. This...
Nevada City, Montana (Montana’s Best Episode 7)
Nevada City, Montana Nevada City, Montana is one mile away from Virginia City, Montana. If you are staying more than 1 day you will want to grab a Vigilante Pass which...
Chico Hot Spring (Montana’s Best Episode 5)
Historic Chico Hot Springs Resort & Spa has been a favorite destination for locals and visitors since the doors opened in 1900. Located at the base of Emigrant Peak...